Limen Visual

Limen Visual


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13 Projects

Limen Visual was founded by Alexander Stragier in 2014.

Alexanders main goal is to create unique audiovisual experiences. Giving ordinary things a new dimension trough the use of modern or future technologies.

Alexander is constantly exploring to find out what's next, on an affordable scale.

Services Limen Visual offers:
- Projection mapping (Buildings, objects...)
- Interactive installations (body movement tracking, touch interaction, 3D space interactions...)
- Audiovisual art installations
- Event visuals
- (Interactive) light installations
- Working on: Virtual Reality (HTC Vive)

* Cultureel Ambassadeur Roeselare (2014-2016)
* Young Innovation Award winner (2013)
* Urban Crafter of 2015 , by trendwolves and Hello Bank
* Bill Award Winner (2015)



Visual Jockey Projection Mapping Installation Video Art 2D Motion Graphics


Resolume Touch Designer