Altered Loopz

Altered Loopz


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3 Projects

I was born between Costa Brava and Pirineus, on 1977, and was always interested in all kinds of creations. At the age of 17 I
started my personal adventures in Barcelona while studing ilustration in Escola de Còmic Joso, on final 90's, rave's golden
years. Later in Escola Massana I had my first contacts with cams and video because a different point of view with the
ilustration teachers, and was during a trip across Mexico, while finishing the university, I found Vj Spunko, who teached me
about vjing. Back to Barcelona I met Telenoika and have participate in some VJ Jams. After few collaborations in 2008 I started
as Resident VJ in the catalan Le Rachdingue Surrealistic Club, learning every night by the hand of other great artists,
principally my matte, VJ Blindoff.
By now I have as always my face as an illustrator and the other one as a Vj, and since 2010 another face as a dessign teacher
with kids that are great!
You can see my pict here:


Visual Jockey Projection Mapping Video Art 2D Motion Graphics Graphic Design


VDMX Resolume